Rolls, stretch marks & wobbles

I have recently entered the world of exercise classes. I have previously attended Zumba in order to regain some figure after having Kezzia, but second child means a bit more wobble and a lot more effort needed to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I have no shame in admitting ... "I am a snacker" ... At about 7:30pm every night, my tummy alerts me to the fact it needs food! Not only it needs food but that it needs a variety of snacks, generally including crisps (my weakness), a custard tart, if available, and some chocolate. Christmas therefore is heaven for my tummy and unfortunately the following months, with food still lingering around not only do I have to fight against the baby jelly belly, but also the affects of my snacking habits!

Therefore I decided that I need to get myself fully immersed into the fitness world. The result, I am now a bit of an exercise-class junkie! Zumba; Spinning; Cardio legs, bums & tums; Bodyattack; Bokwa and Sh'bam, I've tried them. Each have come with their various challenges and muscles aches but I am becoming a fan! I need other people around to encourage me, push me to try my hardest! I just can't exercise on my own - I get so bored!! Anyone else know this feeling? However many Davina, Rosemary Conlon DVD's I buy, I just cannot motivate myself to actually put them in the DVD player and do it! Exercise should not only leave your muscles aching but it should, in my opinion be a bit of a giggle.

But the reality is my lack of being able to get back into my pre Levi clothes was getting me down! I am not really exercise obsessed, nor do I ever expect to look like a supermodel, but it's about being comfortable in myself - and not having the money for new clothes! For me, doing an exercise class is an amazing way to get out of the house and have a bit of me time. Doing something without the kids, just for me - where I leave feeling pretty good, albeit a little tired! I am not one for diets, no thank you! Going without food, or limiting my food intake seems a hideous idea! I stand in awe of you ladies who do slimming world, weight watchers etc, your self control outweighs mine any day!

But sometimes we ladies, can take things to far! We allow ourselves to become obsessed with our weight and appearance! Our minds our filled with images of ridiculously thin women, or celebrities who have "amazingly" recovered within minutes after having a baby and we allow ourselves to compare our bodies to them. We are real women, curves, rolls and all and I love it, each stretch mark a reminder of the miracle of my children, each roll a memory of an amazing childhood of Irish dancing! Let's celebrate our bodies for they tell our story, and each one of us have an amazing story to tell!

So whatever you do, enter the exercise class world with me, join weight watchers or none - enjoy it and enjoy you! Your body is shaped by your life, so don't over do it!


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