It's those moments

Most of us Mum's will have those memories of times when are children have just had "one of those moments" we won't forget. Today, as my daughter tested my patience, and my son refused to nap, was one of those days I needed to remember those moments. Here are some of mine:

We had potty trained Kezzia in the weeks before Levi arrived, however as expected she had a phrase after his birth where she reverted back to accidents throughout the day. In a desperate plea to get her back on track, I offered her a bar of chocolate if she done all her wee's and poo's on the toilet! Her response was classic: "Mummy I don't want a bar could I wear a panty liner like you in my pants instead"! Trying not to burst out laughing right in her face, I agreed!!! We had an accident free day! 

Living in Worthing, a lovely English tea side town, filled mainly with well mannered, retired folk - one tries to raise their children in a well mannered and polite way... It was therefore highly entertaining when Kezzia arrived at church one Sunday and began asking people, mainly the men "do you have a willy, like my daddy?"

Kezzia is amazing with looking after her little brother or "little bro-da", as she says! Recently she has picked up on Josh and I calling him "big guy" - not quite catching it correctly she now refers to him as "chubby big go". Love it!! 

We were scooting to the local Tesco and back, when Josh and I commented that Kezzia was doing great scooting... She casualty carried on and replied "yes! I know." A picture of humblity my daughter!!!

Each night we sing some Bible Chorus' to Kezzia and a favourite is "My god is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do." Obviously feeling very inspired and proud of her Dad, she asked one night if we could sing that song but swap the word God for Daddy! This version is now a regular bedtime song.

Recently Kezzia was going to stay for 3 nights with my in-laws and so I was a little emotional. After saying goodbye, I went upstairs to feed Levi. After a few minutes Josh came up to check I was ok. I leaned in for a cuddle and a little sob, when Levi let rip the biggest burp he has ever produced! Instead of crying, Josh and I ended up in hysterics... My sadness was eased by my little man.

There are so many more moments that I could share, but these are some highlights! I have a small notebook for each child, which I always keep close by and it is being filled with such moments. These are the moments that will no doubt be re-told at their 18th party's, or when Kezzia's wedding draws near (no doubt by Levi in a hope to make sure her future hubby knows what he is in for)! For now they remain the moments that live in my heart, special, hilarious, meaningful moments that make Kezzia and Levi who they are(and keep me going in stressful moments)!

I wonder what are those memories for you, memories of your children, families, partners - what are the moments you treasure? Be thankful today, that life is not the possessions we have, the job that we hold but rather it is the memories we hold, the people who made them and the God who allowed us to share in them.


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