Is it just me?

Not long after starting my blog I had an idea to write a blog entitled, "Is it just me?", talking about some area's of life and housework that baffle me! I think I noted that I would write one such blog entry every month - 3 months later and this is only the second one - perhaps there is a related blog all in itself!

Recently however, I have been battling another constant household duty and am beginning to question if it just me? Let me set the scene and bring you through a short journey! It all begins often on the bedroom or bathroom floor, the owner is simply desperate for bed and sleep and these items are discarded, they land on the floor and await stage two. Next they sometimes get fired into a tall wicker basket or pop up monkey shaped tube on the upstairs landing, before eventually making their way downstairs to the machine. This is quite an achievement, and great success if often felt when this stage of the journey is completed - a task has been done. However the journey does not end here... After the machine they are brought outside and hung, often on an airier or if one is indeed highly successful to time the machine with the weather, the washing line! After a brief stay outside, or sometimes an overnight flight, they are brought inside...

And now, dear readers, it is here I pause to ask the question, Is it just me? For I fear my washed clothes (I hope you had guessed), take a very different journey. On arrival inside my clothes either, remain in a heaped pile, somewhere upstairs out of the eye of visitors, one day to be folded, usually when copius amounts of fellow clothes have joined them. This is usually a full evenings job and then leaves one in a predictament, as with 2 sleeping children the clothes cannot successfully be transported to their final destination! This means there is then a large variety of piles, personally allocated, all over my bedroom floor. Every morning for the foreseeable future members of the family will not find socks, pants and daily outfits in their own cupboards but rather on my floor.

The other clothes, simply get folded with no personally allocated spots - this leads to a messier scenario as family members trawl through numerous piles in order to find the correct garments, this has a tendency to create a domino effect among fellow wash piles.

Is it just me? Please dear readers comfort me by saying this somewhat resembles you own bedroom floor. I do not possess an ironing board, and although find the chore, slightly therapeutic, do not exercise it in my own home, (unless a wedding or formal occassion arises). So I have no reason to hurry the journey along, apart from wanting to see my floor, and make use of purchased wardrobes!

I shall leave it there, and hope I have left you with a little giggle and hopefully an assurance that.

It isn't just you!!


  1. It's not just you!!!! Ha Ha and I'm so glad it's not just me!!!! Mine go from the kitchen table to the stairs, and when everyone else has ignored them for a bit they go to my bed. When I haven't had tine to put them away before I fall into bed, they get dumped on the floor!!! :)

  2. I recently said I was giving up ironing. It just seems like it waits until I accrue an ironing mountain! Then it takes 1-2 hours to iron it all. I now feel guilty that I don't iron my husband's shirts ready for work. I am trying to make myself feel less guilty every time he realises he doesn't have a freshly ironed shirt seeing as this is the singular, only household chore I'm asking him to do. And, prior to this- they seemed to come out of the wardrobe almost as creased as they went in, due to us having too much stuff in them! I frequently find myself trying to find a large enough space in a cupboard to hide my ironing (now washing) mountain in!


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