
Showing posts from January, 2014

Rolls, stretch marks & wobbles

I have recently entered the world of exercise classes. I have previously attended Zumba in order to regain some figure after having Kezzia, but second child means a bit more wobble and a lot more effort needed to get back into my pre-pregnancy clothes. I have no shame in admitting ... "I am a snacker" ... At about 7:30pm every night, my tummy alerts me to the fact it needs food! Not only it needs food but that it needs a variety of snacks, generally including crisps (my weakness), a custard tart, if available, and some chocolate. Christmas therefore is heaven for my tummy and unfortunately the following months, with food still lingering around not only do I have to fight against the baby jelly belly, but also the affects of my snacking habits! Therefore I decided that I need to get myself fully immersed into the fitness world. The result, I am now a bit of an exercise-class junkie! Zumba; Spinning; Cardio legs, bums & tums; Bodyattack; Bokwa and Sh'bam, I've tri...

Is it just me?

I have begun to wonder if I am alone in some of my frustrations as a Mum, woman, observer of life and all that it entails... And so in a bid to prove to myself I am not alone I have decided to start a monthly post entitled "Is it just me?", where I can unload my frustrations and musings in the hope that some of you, my dear readers, will agree and we can ponder them together. My first frustration, which is high on my list currently, is children's clothing! Is it just me? My daughter, has recently outgrown her 2-3 year clothes and so the next step is to buy 3-4 years...a simple task you may think, but oh how wrong that thought would be. She is, due to her dad's impart, the correct height for most, not all, but most of the 3-4year clothes - However, her waist is far from the size most retailers imagine a 3 year old should have... As I look around at the children my daughter meets and those at various toddler groups, I wonder who is the mind behind the decision that ...

It's those moments

Most of us Mum's will have those memories of times when are children have just had "one of those moments" we won't forget. Today, as my daughter tested my patience, and my son refused to nap, was one of those days I needed to remember those moments. Here are some of mine: We had potty trained Kezzia in the weeks before Levi arrived, however as expected she had a phrase after his birth where she reverted back to accidents throughout the day. In a desperate plea to get her back on track, I offered her a bar of chocolate if she done all her wee's and poo's on the toilet! Her response was classic: "Mummy I don't want a bar could I wear a panty liner like you in my pants instead"! Trying not to burst out laughing right in her face, I agreed!!! We had an accident free day!  Living in Worthing, a lovely English tea side town, filled mainly with well mannered, retired folk - one tries to raise their children in a well mannered and polite way... It wa...

Women's worst enemy

I have come to notice, more so since becoming a mum - that my own, and I'm sure many others out there create and continue to energise our worst enemy... What is it? I believe for many of us ladies, "comparison" is consuming us. There is such a tendency among us to compare ourselves to other women and never ladies do we allow ourselves to win! And not that we should for no two women can be compared equally and one win and the other lose. I have a massive struggle with this and through it have allowed friendships to dissolve, my ability as a mum to be put down and my service as a Christian and church worker to seem unnecessary. It scares me sometimes how I, and others allow ourselves to spend time comparing ourselves with others and for what purpose? To make ourselves feel better at the expense of another woman, to confirm that we are rubbish on one of those days when we feel like we are failing. 2014 for me is going to be the year I put aside some of my "comparing...

The Work Conference

These past 3 days I have been at a work related conference near Nottingham. It has bee a mix of emotions but some amazing things have happened, I am leaving quite excited by how God might use me over the next year... Watch this space I guess!! However there are some things about work conferences that make me giggle, confused or impulsive and it is these I want to share with you: 1. Why is it that conference centres are either freezing or burning hot - this conference is a sweat producing conference. There never seems to be a good balance in theses places! It is just me, does anyone else attend work meetings or conferences and wonder why it is so hard to get the temperature pleasant? 2. We have been playing the "look-alike" game. As a church team we have been trying to find as many people who look like people from our home church and town! This conference we have spotted  6 look-alikes. 3. I'm not sure if you'll have ever watched the episode of "Miranda...

The gift of Sleep

I mentioned in my first post that I would share the story of the journey to arriving at the wonderful place where my daughter is able to go to sleep without someone rubbing her back, serenading her with songs or bribing her with chocolate. This has been a long journey, as I'm sure it has been for many parents out there! Our's dates back to July 2012!! My daughter was born a wonderful night sleeper - from about 6 weeks old she slept through the night, 7pm - 7am(don't hate me yet)! It was a joy, bedtime was a wonderful time where we read stories, had a small cuddle and off she went to dream land! However, quite quickly that beautiful scene changed, Kezzia soon realised she could climb out of her cot and if she wasn't up for doing that, she worked knout if she screamed loud enough Mum or Dad would arrive to soothe her... Being aware of where this would lead us Josh and I decided it was time to step in with some control crying. Night 1: Kezzia was no happy lady! Josh...

Finally.... A baby boy!

In January 2013, Josh and I attended a Christian Conference, through work, and amazing things took place. My dad had arranged to be in England to look after Kezzia, meaning Josh and I could attend various meetings without needing to alternate childminding. During one meeting, the speaker spoke of the difficulties he and his wife had in trying to conceive and how he wanted to pray with couples facing the same thing. As soon as the service was finished I went up for prayer, I shared my story and they prayed God would indeed hear our cry for another child. Throughout the conference God spoke to us through people's prayers and through verses given to us, including that in Psalm 37 which says "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"... We sat in our room one evening and knew that God was renewing our hope, that indeed his timing was perfect and we need not have fear in trying for a playmate for Kezzia. God is faithful and God used that tim...

The story of Levi continued...

Much to our shock, as we planned on having a little break! We found we were expecting again in September. Although everyone was excited there was a definite hesitation to celebrate as the recent miscarriage left us full of fear!  However naivety struck as I convinced myself that I couldn't possibly miscarry twice in a row... Again about a week after finding out the news I was back in Hospital with similar complications as before...The scan again showed all was as it should be and the midwife encouraged us to think positively, however I, with no delay, informed her of our situation and that it was highly unlikely I would be able to think anything positive. We were booked in to come back in 10 days for another scan, and due to continuing complications, after what I thought was the longest 10 days ever we returned and awaited our scan... The scan was inconclusive! Without getting to technical, the baby had grown but not to the extent they were expecting, we were sent home and boo...

The story of Levi

Recently we held a dedication for my son, for those of you not familiar with this, in Christian circles it is a short service in which you ask for God's blessing on your new child and as parents ask for His help in raising them! Let's face it as parents we can do with all the help we can get, so we planned our dedication for Levi shortly after Christmas! Due to this many friends and some family members were unable to come and so as promised here is the story of Levi. Kezzia had just turned one and so we decided or maybe I persuaded Josh that it was about time she had a playmate and so mentally we decided on baby number 2.  I should fill you in that and I'm sure most ladies will agree that when you decide for a child you do not comprehend that miscarriage/premature labour/difficult pregnancy or any other situation will befall you. Naively I think most of us plan and hope for that lovely pregnancy, where we look glowing and labour is indeed painful but straight forwa...
I've finally did it!!! Yes it's true, I have finally managed to begin blogging! It has been one of those things I have wanted to do for so long but never got around to it! I am just your average mum of two and so ending the day with both children, Kezzia aged 2 and Levi aged 3 months, fed, washed and asleep in their own beds is considered a successful day. We have just accomplished the task of getting my oldest, Kezzia, to go to sleep without Mum or Dad rubbing her back for endless hours while she drifts in and out of sleep. Something I will share more about in a further post, it is a long saga and hence deserves a  post of it's own! However, this means I have regained my evenings and with a husband that works 5 out of 7 evenings, I have finally found time to sit and write my thoughts, though I am not convinced they will be worth reading!!! I have found life with two children a continuous stream of "I must get round to that" tasks, which rarely ever seem to ge...