Kezzia's Delivery Story

I did say I would share Kezzia's delivery story nearer her birthday and so here it is. It all began on Mother's Day 2011, I was almost 39 weeks pregnant, incredibly fed up and in quite a lot of discomfort. My womb is upside down, which causes no effect in labour but means baby's weigh is not distributed as it should be during pregnancy, resulting in painful legs and hips!

For this reason, I had tried everything, raspberry leaf tea, hot curries, walking, we even resulted know!! But on Mother's Day about 8pm, I thought I had cashed in. It is probably not normal how much excitement came with my first contraction, the end of pregnancy had arrived. I awaited Josh's return from church and called the hospital. Their response was to stay at home until contractions were more regular. Being in pain and excited and nervous meant sleep was off the radar, so I sat with my mum, who had arrive from Ireland the previous day, and watched a film. Contractions continued but were irregular so I decided to attempt sleep, the reality was I sat in bed contemplating how my life was drastically about to change. At 5am, I woke josh up and told him we were going for a walk - the result of that was that my contractions slowed down. At 9 am, Josh left for work and Mum had the job of entertaining me for the day!

I was booked in to have a scan that Monday, as I was measuring slightly small. I told the sonography, who had completely thrown me into panic by referring to "his lungs" ... I was told I was having a girl, that I was having contractions. Her response was to carry on until they became regular. The day seems to creep by and nothing was happening, was I really in labour. I imagined that ideal, contractions start, waters break, baby arrives - 24 hours later I was still going and no waters had broken and no baby had arrived.

Josh arrived home to a grumpy wife and I' m sure a weary mother-in-law and we "enjoyed" the evening. As contractions were still not comming regularly, Josh decided to get an early night...I started watching another film. 30 minutes after josh got into bed, I woke him up - this was it! Contractions were now coming every 20 minutes and were more painful than they had been over the past 30 hours.  At 1 am we headed to the hospital, bags, car seat, TENS machine and music packed and ready.

On arrival we were sent to the room to wait for an examination - Now I should say, despite being a naturally loud person, I do not really do the whole screaming thing!Therefore when the midwife arrived, she wasn't convinced I was in labour. Now try telling this to a women in labour -I wasn't sure whether to cry or scream at her! Did she want me to walk around the ward screaming, I could if she wanted but who would that help! After some convincing she did the necessary and I was 7 centimetres  After a little apology, she got the birth pool ready and in I hopped!

After  just over 3 hours, the moment had finally arrived. My sister had dropped off some needed snacks for Josh and Mum, and now I was ready. Those famous words "push" were given by the midwife and we were off... Just over an hour later there was still no baby, I was exhausted and and getting frustrated, as was the baby. After a few more pushes they realised Kezzia was suck...

I was taken out of the birth pool, an incredibly difficult task, when their is a baby's head stuck in certain places, an extra midwife was called in and the dreaded words of episiotomy were spoken. Not a chance I said to myself, this baby is coming out! So with another few pushes, I met her! My gorgeous little lady had arrived. Although not long after she was placed in my arms, she was gone! Having swallowed some fluid during delivery and being weary from the labour, Kezzia was taken off and for what seemed like an age...we waited! I waited for that cry ...

And it came, moments before she was placed back in my arms for my first real cuddle. I was lost for words I think I still am as I remember that moment. My daughter had arrived and it was truly an incredible time.

What followed after was stitches, hallucinations, due to meds needed for stitches... all highly unpleasant, and ridiculously scary. After a night in hospital, I took my daughter home and we began life as our little family of 3.


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