Payday vs Budget Night

Well it's almost payday, a wonderful day that is always so overshadowed by bills, direct debits and standing orders. For me however, the greatest pain of payday is knowing "budget night" must precede. In the nights before pay day, Josh and I, painfully give up a rare evening of relaxing together to go through the calendar in a bid to work out our monthly budget. There are few people I have met who actual enjoy this activity, my father in law is one, yes I know, I do know someone who enjoys budgeting! In-laws are a rare breed, and should have a blog entry of their own (it will follow, one day)! For most of us however, budgeting is simply something we must do in order to keep track of our ever too quickly disappearing finances.

My hubby and I are pretty pants at the whole thing and it is an evening and activity we have to seriously discipline ourselves to carry out. We have finally found a way that works for us and is allowing us to pay off the dreaded 'debt', that unfortunately I mainly created. I hasten to add it was not spent on anything to wild, rather being a 'foreign student' attending a private University, I basically racked up some debt just paying my way through Uni. And I was a Theology student, so no drunk nights out, or late night parties - I simply bought food, paid rent and deodorant! I know I lead a wild life;-)

 This now means, every month we painfully go through the calendar allowing for birthdays, food shops, fun family days out and anything else which will cost money over the month and transfer our allocated spending money to a separate account. Leaving the rest in another account which looks after bills and pays off debts! Like many we want those debts to get paid off and the sooner the better, so money must be properly budgeted and spent wisely!(my father in law would be proud)! But I fear, this evening will forever be a struggle and battle to endure for us a couple, know the feeling?

Jesus said in the Bible, one cannot serve both God and money, meaning we should not worship nor be slaves to our money! As painful as budget night is, it allows me to know and be in control of our finances and that is a gift. So often it can feel like we are swamped in a marsh of bills and coins, and that is not how life should be spent! Jesus says, enjoy life, don't spend it fretting about bills and direct debits! So I must endure my budget nights and careful planning... thankfully, I get to do it not only with Josh but also with "Ben & Jerry"!!

Happy Budgeting my dear readers!!


  1. Would love to introduce you guys to some ways to earn money from home. I learnt all I know by going to

    I added over £4.5K to our income last year from their advice! No seriously, I wouldn't have believed it unless I'd kept a spreadsheet. And that doesn't even include the savings I made on groceries which I'd estimate were at least another £1-2K. But get in touch if you want to know more :)

    Love from,


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