
Showing posts from 2018

Happy Mother's Day ... too late?

Evening Readers, I do hope this finds you well and relishing in your current friendships. I feel this blog should really have been posted a few weeks ago but, as a Mum of 3 children, wife to 1 husband, and transitioning between jobs, time seems to have run away... Some time around Mothers Day, when my house was generously passing around a violent tummy bug from one person to the next, I had a conversation with my daughter that led me to this post! We were discussing the answer to the following question: "Who really is the BEST Mummy in the World?"  She very kindly answered me, as all our children do ... at least for the first hour of Mother's Day ! I suggested that actually my Mummy was the correct answer. Kezzia was not so sure, "my Mummy, her Nanna was the best Nanna" but she was convinced that she did have the best Mummy (just so you know I don't have it all together, my eldest son reminded me multiply times later that I was actually the "mea...

Friendships...does this come with an instruction book?

Evening Readers, as promised I wanted to write about those harder areas of simplify that I said I would... Such a simple word for an amazing gift we each have at our fingertips and perhaps I'm coming to learn a gift that we don't always know how to use - there's no instruction manual right?! I remember sitting at one of my first lectures at University in England and being told to go and find a friend, an accountability partner, someone who can 'be your friend' and help keep you on track through this journey of education... I stood up from that lecture feeling a little lost. As I looked around the room, full of people who had yet to understand my accent, I felt a little lost! I listened to thoughts of: "Kat, find a friend, pick someone, QUICK Kat...else there will be no-one left..." run round my head. I picked one of the few people I had held a decent conversation with and asked... "Do you wanna be my friend?" (Readers, the cheesiness of i...

Simplified Living

Good Evening, you faithful readers. Life is a funny old thing and it baffles me at times that writing these simple posts can cause any interest. I feel I have spent much of this year in quite a pensive and reflective state - for many reasons but one decided on New Years Eve takes the place in this blog... My hubby and I have created our own little, completely unsocial New Year's Eve Tradition (it's not like you can get a babysitter!) - we get a bottle of Asti, a baked camembert, crackers and reflect on the ending year - the good, the bad, the shock, the pain, the success, whatever comes to mind. We  spend time discussing our hopes for the coming year and recently have tried to have a "word for the year". It sounds quite random but for us it has worked, it has given our year purpose and a strange sense of meaning amongst all the uncertainty that 12 months can bring. I have never written about these times before but for some reason this year and this word have drawn...

Happy Anniversary

Evening, my dear readers... 2018 is now well underway and the days of lazy holiday mornings and no pack lunches seems long gone! Schools runs, swim classes, dance classes, playdates and work have all begun again - as if it feels they never did stop... Life can be so busy, right? Earlier this month, my husband and I were wonderfully able to celebrate 10 years of marriage! Something which sadly these days feels like a more uncommon celebration. Before checking in here, I allowed myself to just wandered off from my e-mails to read about the divorce of yet another "stable" celebrity couple. I find it so sad that we hear so much of the troubles of celebrity couples but how often do we celebrate the anniversaries? Just my pondering... Anyway, I am incredibly pleased to have had such a celebration and some stories of that I will amuse you... We booked TWO, yes you heard right: TWO child-free nights away (the bonus of living near the grandparents) in a spa hotel (the SPA wo...