Guess who's back?!

Can you believe it... it has been almost 2 years since I have written and shared a bit more of life's journey with you? I am guessing that maybe you noticed at first but then even the very thought that I ever blogged was pushed from your mind with the busy-ness of life!

I know, dear readers that is my story! How I so enjoyed blogging and sharing my life with any of you who took time to read it - how privileged I was. And suddenly days turned to weeks and to months and the idea of blogging seemed just a distant memory, perhaps even something I did in a previous life! I rather like to believe that, when the reality maybe that my life has become so mundane there is little to share with you...

So much has changed in our time apart - yet much remains the same. I am as always a lover of both my cup of coffee and the accompanying piece of cake...or two! I am still madly in love with my husband and enjoying the craziness of our journey together. I still take on to much and stress on regular occasions at the work set before me, whilst Josh despairs in the corner (though I like to point out it all gets done!)

I have however, since last writing gained another child - YES it's true we went for 3! How totally "un-British" of my hubby to agree!! We had a little boy, named Jonah -meaning a dove or peaceful... a meaning given so aptly, his story I will share in time! He is a complete bundle of joy and I am happy to be biased. His smile melts my heart and even now I see the makings of a "Mummy's Boy" ... about time I hear you agree! And I guess the biggest change though Facebook I'm sure has given it away, is that my address now reads Ireland. That too is a story I so long to share with you all, and I will!

For now it is simply good to be back and I hope I have not lost you! The ravings of a young Mum and married woman shall begin again and I do hope we have many more laughs together.'s good to be back!

Speak soon ...


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