
Showing posts from April, 2018

Happy Mother's Day ... too late?

Evening Readers, I do hope this finds you well and relishing in your current friendships. I feel this blog should really have been posted a few weeks ago but, as a Mum of 3 children, wife to 1 husband, and transitioning between jobs, time seems to have run away... Some time around Mothers Day, when my house was generously passing around a violent tummy bug from one person to the next, I had a conversation with my daughter that led me to this post! We were discussing the answer to the following question: "Who really is the BEST Mummy in the World?"  She very kindly answered me, as all our children do ... at least for the first hour of Mother's Day ! I suggested that actually my Mummy was the correct answer. Kezzia was not so sure, "my Mummy, her Nanna was the best Nanna" but she was convinced that she did have the best Mummy (just so you know I don't have it all together, my eldest son reminded me multiply times later that I was actually the "mea...